Cosmetic Dentistry

What is cosmetic dentistry?

Cosmetic dentistry enhances the appearance of your teeth using a variety of techniques including restoration, placement, straightening, crowning, bonding or whitening. Through these and other techniques, we will work to improve the appearance of your smile, giving you a new look that can help boost your self-confidence. At Paschke Dental, we recognize designing the perfect smile requires true artistic skill and experience to create a truly one-of-a-kind smile that is absolutely unique to you.

Veneers – Veneers are thin, tooth-colored coverings that are custom designed and permanently bonded to your tooth. Veneers have other benefits including durability, an improved smile, and little to no removal of existing tooth structure. Veneers protect the surface of damaged teeth and may eliminate the need for more extensive treatment. State of the art porcelain, veneers mimic the properties of enamel, creating a beautiful, natural-looking smile.

Teeth whitening – an impression will be taken of your teeth to design custom-fit trays that fit securely around each tooth. A whitening gel is added to the trays and the trays are placed in your mouth. The gel is available as a take home day or night solution. About one-two weeks after the procedure, you should notice a visibly, whiter smile.



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